> 영어 에세이 주제 : 수업 내에서 다른 지역의 영어(텍사스, 중부, 동부)를 사용 할 수 있도록 해야하는가?
오늘의 영어 에세이 프롬프트는 칼리지 수업 내에서 다른 영어를 사용 할 수 있도록 해야하는가 입니다. 미국은 땅덩어리도 넓고 인구도 3억 5천이 넘는 아주 큰 나라이기 때문에 사용하는 영어도 다릅니다. 지역별로 차이가 있고 억양 차이도 있지요. 뉴올리언즈 억양 , 뉴져지 억양, 텍사스 억양 등등 억양도 차이가 있고, 문화의 차이로 인해서 사용하는 단어도 차이가 있을 것 입니다. 아래 프롬프트는 다른 지역의 언어를 사용 할 수 있는지 아니면 사용하는것이 좋지 않은지에 대해서 포지션을 정하는 에세이라고 볼 수 있습니다. 만약에 찬성을 하는 것이라면 찬성을 하는 쪽으로 방향을 잡고, 왜 그렇게 생각하는지 증거를 뒷받침 하면 되겠습니다.
> 영어 에세이 주제 샘플 by 옥스포드 라이팅
Essay One Assignment: Should Students Use Their Own English in College Classes?
For your first essay for this class, you are going to be writing in response to this question:
Should students use their own English in college classes? That is, should they be allowed to use elements of their own dialect that may depart from the conventions of standard English?
In the past two weeks, you have read a variety of essays in which writers have expressed different opinions on this topic. Some writers believe students should write only in standard English in college classes. Some writers believe students should be able to bring all their Englishes to writing in college. Some believe that students should write in standard English in some assignments and be allowed to use dialects that depart from standard English in other assignments.
Now it is your turn to enter the conversation.
As you consider what to write, keep in mind this point:
Your response to this question does not need to be a simple “yes” or “no.” Here are some other ways you might respond:
- “While out-of-class essays in college classes should be written in standard English, professors should give students the chance to write in their own dialects on shorter informal assignments like reading logs and freewrites.”
- “Students should be allowed to write in standard English in some assignments and in their dialect in others, and the student should get to choose which assignments they write in standard English.”
- “Standard English is the language of college, so all college assignments should honor the conventions of standard English.”
- “Standard English is a symptom of linguistic bias, so all students should be allowed to write in their own English in all assignments.”
You may use any of the above examples as the thesis of your essay or write your own.
**Also, you are invited to write from your positionality in this essay. That means you may write in your own English and are encouraged to bring your personal experience to your exploration of the essay prompt. You are also encouraged to use words from your English that may depart from standard English. I may, however, mark “sentence-level” errors such as run-ons and fragments so that you can learn how to avoid these mistakes in the future. If you prefer to write and be evaluated in standard English, that is okay too. During the week of September 20, you will learn about how to write a prologue for your essay in which you tell me about the style in which you have chosen to write your essay.**
Your paper should include:
- A preface in which you let your reader know the style in which you are going to write the essay (e.g. in standard English or in a particular style or dialect).
- An introductory paragraph of at least five or six sentences that introduces the debate about linguistic justice and introduces the titles and authors of any of the essays we’ve read that you’re going to refer to in your essay. You must include references to at least three of the essays we’ve read, but you may include more. The last line or two of the introductory paragraph should be the thesis statement which should directly answer the question: Should students use their own English in college classes? Remember: your thesis statement can be more than one sentence (it could even be three or four sentences), and it should come at the end of your introduction.
- Distinct supporting sections with clear topic sentences which support your thesis in any manner that seems best to you. Your distinct supporting sections should reflect distinct reasons for your response to the question asked. You should use details and examples (including at least four quotations overall) from the works discussed. Cite quotations by putting the author’s last name and page number (you can just use the page number of the handout) in parentheses after the quote, like this: “The only purpose of language is to communicate” (Jenkins 2). If you lead into the quote with a signal phrase that names the author, you can just put the page number in parentheses like this: (2). You do NOT need a Works Cited page for this essay. You should use at least four quotations overall in the entire essay. You may also use details and examples from your personal experience to support the points you make in this essay
- A concluding paragraph which restates your thesis and discusses the implications of what you’ve proven.
One more tip: You should avoid using “I” in this essay EXCEPT when using your personal experience to support your points. Notice how the sample thesis statements listed earlier take clear positions on the question without using “I.” Your personal experience is a valuable way to consider the question asked and to illustrate some points. Be sure, however, to keep your discussion of your personal experience closely connected to the works we have read and to your thesis.
This essay should be 3-5 typed double-spaced pages long (about 750 to 1,250 words). A freewrite to get you thinking about the topic is due on Sunday, September 19 by 11:59 p.m. A discovery draft (rough draft) and outline are due on Wednesday, September 22 by 11:59 p.m. The final draft is due on Sunday, September 26 by 11:59 p.m.
Your Essay One will be graded using the rubric below.
Essay One Grading Rubric
1. Does the essay have a prologue in which the writer describes the style in which they will write the essay? |
_______ (out of 5 pts.) |
2. Does the paper have a clear introductory paragraph which introduces the debate over linguistic justice and gives the titles (article titles should be in quotation marks) and authors of the works that will be discussed (at least three)? Is the last line of the introductory paragraph the thesis statement? Does the thesis statement directly answer the question asked in the essay prompt? | ________ (out of 15 pts.) |
3. Is the body of the essay divided into distinct sections, each of which supports the thesis in a different way? |
________ (out of 10 pts.) |
4. Do the supporting sections in the body of the essay have clear topic sentences so that the reader understands what specific arguments are being made to support the thesis in that section of the essay? |
________ (out of 10 pts.) |
5. Does the body of the essay include at least four quotations overall? Are the quotations well-integrated into the text? |
________ (out of 10 pts.) |
6. Does the writer use good details, examples, and explanation to support his/her points? |
_______ (out of 10 pts) |
7. Is there a clear concluding paragraph which begins with a restatement of the thesis? |
_______ (out of 10 pts.) |
8. Is there an original title that supports the main idea of the essay? |
_______ (out of 5 pts.) |
9. Is the paper formatted correctly and proofread to eliminate errors? |
________ (out of 25 pts.) |
TOTAL POINTS OUT OF 100: | ________ |
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